


In the Collipulli commune there is a big rural house dispersion on its topography. For this reason, given the territory geography and the remoteness between one house and the other, a classic rural drinking water supply such as an A.P.R seems barely feasible. Nowadays, townhalls all over the country can apply for water supplies projects to be financed by the undersecretary of management and regional development (SUBDERE). In this application process, many townships are hampered, whether from lack of staff or previous subject knowledge. Or even in some cases, because of the mismanagement or poorly execution of the project. This project has as a product to deliver to the Collipulli commune two designs of deep well shalls drinking water supplies, both with water collection design of the same type, through submersible pump and pond accumulation of reinforced polyethylene. The big difference between the two designs is the water distribution system. One by gravity raising the pond to the height needed to comply with the current regulation. The other design is focused on people with mobility problems or seniors to whom it would be impossible or very hard to climb to the elevated tower to do the proper maintenance. The second design consists in a distribution system through pumping with hydro pack to improve the electric current consumption. For this, it must be considered: the research and the theoretical methodology, the location of the project, supplies previously done, rural drinking water supply systems (A.P.R) already conducted in nearby areas; and everything related to civil engineering to optimize resources in a better way and also the water supply to be consistent and enduring through the years. As a product two supplies designs are delivered, with their capturing, storage, treatment and distribution complete. Implementing the engineering to the current regulation of our country as well as attaching recommendations of maintenance and buildability of the project. Besides every plan endorsed by the MINSAL.

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