Transformaciones del campo, en un contexto de economía capitalista: caso Apilaut comuna de Lautaro. Hacia el desarrollo sustentable en la apicultura.
This research corresponds to a thesis to qualify for the bachelor's degree in Anthropology at the Catholic University of Temuco, and is part of the experience of professional practice at the Institute for Agricultural Development (INDAP) Lautaro area "A newsustainable development as "beekeeping" in the local development program (PRODESAL)." It is focused on the community of Lautaro, in 2011, and was framed by a committee called Apilaut beekeeping, beekeeping newly formed organization that is dedicated to the production and export of honey and beekeeping derivatives.The reason for choosing this organization was the fact that they actually practice beekeeping and offer a range of products produced by this, plus the factor that they export honey to Europe, mainly Germany.It is a case example, in contrast to programs that are executed under the logic of local development (PRODESAL) offered in INDAP, where beekeeping is little taken into account in applying these, or finally the pigeonholefor their implementation, in areas of high concentrations of indigenous people with abundant pine afforestation.This is why I chose beekeeping committee APILAUT that demystifies this vision as an organization since its career, which began in mid-2006, has brought great benefits to the social actors involved in it. Likewise, this research tries to solve the problem of labor and capital generation in the countryside, rural-urban migration and to find relationships of this fact, the insertion of a free market economy corresponds to capital, that are complex and are developedin Lautaro.I stressed about it, in terms of field transformations and inserting this: employment, innovation, productive activity, industrial development as a cluster, recently created (Industrial Park), in order to provide an explanation for this factdisplaying it in a comparative framework, which shows the optics of capitalist intervention in the rural area of Lautaro. Why did they organize themselves in a beekeeping oriented committee, which was their motive?Was it the intervention of a state agency?Did it
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