In the sector of the Prados located in the commune of Curacautin (La Araucanía Region), is one of the main sources of agriculture of the commune, which is fed in its irrigation season by a canal, which supplies farmers with water resources to irrigate their different types of crops (mainly meadows, forage cultivation in this area and some of minor vegetables). The purpose of this study is to find a better way to conduct these waters, since is some sections of this canal it presents overflow problems which causes nearby sectors to be affected, causing their farmers to see some of their potentially arable soils affected by this problem. Therefore, the canal is analyzed both to it topography, hydraulic axis and sections, with which a new section will be designed that can correct the existing problems. From the results obtained from the analysis it can be concluded that the new section designed in concrete material, complies with the transport of the existing flow, in addition to this it presents velocities that will not generate sedimentation over time, so a good behaviour is expected as a function of time. Key words: Water Resource, Channel, Law 18.450.
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