

cambio de diseño para la fase, un tratamiento diferente en la tronadura y los métodos

operacionales. De esta manera, evitar la pérdida de diseño del rajo.


This title report was carried out in the offices of the Gabriela Mistral Division, which

belongs to the state mining company CODELCO and corresponds to a low-grade Porphyry

Copper deposit, located 120 kilometers southeast of Calama. The objectives of this study

consist of the identification, projection and analysis of the instabilities of the phases that are

currently in exploitation in the division that correspond to Phase 11 and Phase 12, to obtain

a predictive analysis and anticipate a possible instability in the slopes. and take preventive

actions against them. The methodologies used to achieve the products correspond to

deterministic and probabilistic analyses. The first consists of an analysis that provides the

spatial location of the possible instability. For its part, the probabilistic analysis consists of

the probability of failure of each sector in the phase; this analysis also supports the

information provided by the deterministic analysis. These analyzes were feasible thanks to

the database of televiewer drillings and the various software available to the Superintendency

of Geotechnics.

The deterministic analysis for Phase 11 indicates a total of 33 unstable structures and

4 considered moderately stable in plane faulting, for wedge faulting the result is 1 structure

considered unstable and 1 considered moderately stable. On the other hand, for Phase 12 in

plane faulting, a total of 34 unstable structures and 4 moderately stable structures are

identified, for wedge faulting, 2 moderately stable structures are considered. These possible

instabilities are quantified in an instabilities projection plane. The probabilistic analysis

supports the information provided by the deterministic analysis for both phases studied. In

addition, the probability of failure is indicated for each sector; this information is quantified

in a berm loss plane.

Finally, it is recommended to continue with the deterministic and probabilistic

analysis for future phases of the division, to identify instabilities. Because the great benefit

that this work provides corresponds to reducing the risk of the mining plan, because it can

anticipate the action that must be taken in the face of instabilities, whether it is a design


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