The Ruta 7 and its transversals have a great importance in terms of connectivity in the Provincia de Palena and in the Regio´n de Ays´en. For this reason an analysis of the geologic conditions of the environment and location of the Ruta 7 from Chaiten to Puerto Yungay and its transversals in the Regio´n de Aysen is carried out, so the present geologic processes, their importance and magnitude can be identified, for the elaboration of a diagnosis of the phenomena and the danger associated with them. For this purpose a bibliographic compilation, an interpretation of the satellite images and a field work was made, as well as the identification of cartography for the practical case of the transversal N ◦ 3 and the specific characteristics of the Coastal area, main Cordillera area - Sub-Andean belts and the Eastern Plains area. Also, there was carried out an analysis of the events of volcanic hazards and hillside movements that have affected the routes and roads. The geological conditions of the field of study are dominated by the Patagonian Batholith, the continentals volcanic sequences and complex, the Eastern Andes Metamorphic Complex and the influence of marine transgression. In addition, the movements of hillsides are conditioned by relief, deforestation, weathering and geologic structure of the material. The high rainfall, soil saturation, surface run-off and the processes of freezing and thawing are the main causes of these phenomena. Keywords : Hillside movements, Mountain range, Geology, Route, Austral.
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